We live in a digital world with technology all around us, which can make our busy lives easier to manage and get task completed in our hands, but when technology is used for bad and deceiving reasons, the bad people need to hope their computer or cell phone doesn’t land in the hands of the Private Investigators in Greensboro, NC., at Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC. Digital Forensics can bring a case alive that may have only very limited evidence. eDiscovery can deliver more evidence than just having typical surveillance and research on cases.
More and More Attorney’s are turning to Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC and their Private Investigators in Greensboro, NC., to to conduct eDiscovery in their cases. These tools require intense training and a skilled examiner that can troubleshoot and take on all the challenges a cell phone can bring with recovering data from it. The Forensic examiners the Greensboro Private Investigators at the Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC lab use tools such as Cellibrite Physical Analyzer, AccessData’s Mobile Phone Examiner Plus, Paraben Device Seizure, SecureView, Oxygen Forensics, and Lantern. Tools such as Forensic imagers, triage tools, write blocks, computer forensic softwares such as AccessData’s FTK toolkit, Magnet’s Internet Evidence Finder, recovery software, Helix for analyzing volatile data, just to name a few.Ĭell Phone Forensics takes many tools as well, since there are currently over 8000 models of cell phones, there is no one tool get all.
Oxygen forensics detective setuo viedo software#
The Digital Forensics examiners have to have a multitude of different tools and Forensic software in order to conduct examinations on different devices. The area of digital Forensics is very specialized and requires a lot of training in the classroom and hands on in the field. Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC in Greensboro, NC., are keeping up with the latest tools in technology such as being able to conduct Digital Forensics on Cell Phones, Computers, iPads, iPods, tablets, notebooks, GPS devices, and much more.
Oxygen forensics detective setuo viedo full#
Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC is a full service Private Investigator in Greensboro, NC., using high tech tools in their Investigation to help discover evidence to be used in the Court of law.ĮDiscovery in legal cases have grown substantially over the past five years. Greensboro Private Investigators discover evidence in Cheating Spouse cases, as well as, personal injury, Cyber Investigations, wire tapping cases, and many more areas of Investigations. Private Investigators in Greensboro NC conduct Cheating Spouse Investigations.